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Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Do vampires take showers?

: do vampires shower

ME: Would you be mad if I turned you into a vampire?
ME: Good to know.
CHANDLER: Wait, would I stink?
ME: Why would you stink?
CHANDLER: I'd be undead.
ME: A vampire, not a zombie.
?????? I don't know that showers even existed during the days of Dracula and Nosferatu, but did they bathe? Vampires are always so shiny.
Answer: It's hard to say! The Internet is full of a lot of resounding "Of courses" and "Absolutelys," but Jake makes several good points:
I don't see why they would have to take showers unless something was spilled on them. They have no bodily fluids so that means no sweat, no oil, no saliva, no nothing. They have nothing to make them dirty.

Humans take showers... why? Because our hair and skin get oily, we get sweaty, we... well, we get dirty in 'other' places due to 'other' things. Things that vampires do not have. All vampires have is venom and venom stays inside a vampire's body until he bites somebody.

Pluuuuus. When Bella needs to shower she tells Edward "I need another human moment". And he nods and waits for her to finish. Why would she call it a 'human moment' if vampires did it too? And, you don't hear anything about a bathroom during the tour of the Cullen's mansion = ]
It make sense. I mean, look how greasy his hair is:
Also, according to @§§:
No, vampires get their smell from the blood they consume. The foreign blood gets distributed throughout the vampire's skin creating its tone and also the unique smell. Ironically, this smell made from human blood is also used to attract them. Vampires do not need to shower or want to. That's a human thing.
So no, they do not.

: Yahoo Answers

The More You Know
: But wait! Vampire expert Stephanie Meyer addressed this in a Q&A on her website!

Q: This is going to sound insanely curious but… do the vampires bathe? Given that you said the hunting is messy (no clean puncture wounds), I’m assuming that they get dirty… or at least bloody. So do they take showers? Do they comb their hair? Brush their teeth?

A: Vampires do shower, but they don’t get dirty the same way we do. Outside dirt, yes–blood and mud and whatnot (though most vampires don’t get a spot on themselves when they eat–its all a matter of practice), but not sweat or body oils. They would never have B.O., ha ha. One girl asked me why Alice had a bathroom and if vampires have to pee. No, they don’t (they use all the blood, creating no waste), but they do shower. (And of course they have to have bathrooms–houses are just built that way, and when they want to move, it would look a little weird on the real estate listing: eight bedrooms, no baths.)

They do wash the dust and rain out of their hair, too. And Rosalie particularly spends a lot of time doing hers. (Hair is dead cells–the vampire transformation doesn’t affect it. If you’ve got split ends, sorry! Not getting better. Ha ha).

So that settles it: yes, they do.

But wait, vampires don't have reflections, right? How can they see to make their hair so perfect?

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